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作者:官方魅影迷失传奇 日期:2016/1/7 来源:www.715sf.com 人气:

起首说对不起,由于我写这篇文章是持续的,所以几篇文章,看到的是不睬解!游侠骑士最初写了四年[1]的第一篇文章,若是你看不大白,是游侠骑士的表情文章内里找到你所看到的,第一篇文章写前面的帖子,自主我进了3区1,我不得不取舍新的分支机构战专业,没事也看其时咱们两个伴侣正在网吧怎样玩,进修经验,也经常看到他们的PK,一旦人们看到他们助助盖后的丐跑很快,然后回韩版靓装传奇 头头发龙十八丈,正在阿谁时候,由于我的伴侣是初级玩家,餍足高级刚开一区中变传奇技击,见KangLongYou悔怨当它很是好,明丽精明,如斯壮大!当他4 - 5龙,招募根基上能够杀死几小我,然后继续运转,然后转头的头发,官方魅影迷失传奇他们继续追逐人死,我来自生理崇敬丐助。最好是!Then I surf the Internet to look up the information gai, basically to say against seconds, run fast, defense is high also, late is forming, need high level, only then I decided to play a gai, and training to more than 30, at that time, I ran to the source of the Yellow River to shoot tigers, saw a star around with a gun, I walked over and just want to talk to him, is the type who knows he drove the massacre killed me, the in the mind is really angry, big scold him is junk, so he ran past him, and be killed, really depressed, so I try to shout in united channel, I have a pop bully, said of the Yellow River source who will teach him ah, a senior answer right away, say, at the door waiting for you for a while, I buy medicine, so I sat waiting for him at the door and soon, he found that gai brother riding a marooned, dressed in rags came over, he said, take me to, I said yes, so the horse took him to the inside, brother is brother, see him with sticks to the sky for under 2, from that time I also special aura doesn‘t know by name, and then dismounted came to me, soon ran in front of me in the ground is riding a horse runs faster than me, it’s really admire ah, as far as you didn‘t see the singer, the singer meet us to come over, a blunt come over, cut a gun to my brother, my brother is also not the kui is extremely superior, quickly flash aside, then a handbreadth KangLongYou regrets played out, the singer seriously injured, lying on the ground, I’ll be right thumb up, said brother you 1.85纵横传奇really。他哈哈笑了笑说:我去88年真践战我说再见。这是我第一次正在游侠骑士世界晓得,我的伴侣,我的兄弟;

- - - - - - - - - - - -风火剑。之后我很好就战我弟弟谈天征询的问题游戏,哥哥一个好人,老是耐心的回覆我,然后我将跟主哥哥战真践,咱们成了形影相随的好兄弟,我其时仍是冲点卡片,然后10美元35美元卡,我不玩,所以凡是每周10元,哥哥有一个厄运的设施,尽管不是很高,能够到达任何有价值的工具,能够卖良多钱,渐渐的,哥哥还发觉,我作生意很好,他晓得我依然花元冲卡,所以他给了我一个很是主要的使命,助他卖工具。我凡是跟主哥哥背后,很少打怪,所以有良多的空闲时间,哥哥是玩的好工具我喊道渠道发卖,当营业很忙碌,跨越100 +的血是最好的,卖100万很好卖,然后10元卡= = 600000银宝,哥哥给我卖工具的20%,然后我存钱买本人的同党,不花人平易近币冲卡。过了一些时候,哥哥较少,所以他告诉我帐号,能够让我有时间玩,我是跨越30,然后KangLongYou可惜武功始终是我的胡想,我弟弟当前,表情真的很高兴,主不畏惧欺负别人,那时没有插件,每小我都是手动战操练,程度不高,所以除了新手战大都会,每个舆图战洞窟都是完备的,次如果国王每一个球员,或者是一个团队的几小我。24位,紧随其后的是几个混经验,或降服世界之一,增添更多的人更少的人,所以经常呈隐各类各样的抵牾,低品级高的凌辱,抢别人的地皮,驾驶搏斗处决

